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Гармаш В.Н. Архивное дело в США: Реф. обзор / ВНИИДАД. М., 1976. С. 6. 9.
Edmunds H.-E. The Ford Motor Company Archives // The American Archivist. 1952. April. P. 101. 10.
Holmes 0.- W. The Evaluation and Preservation of Business Archives // American Archivist. 1938. Oct. P. 172. 11.
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The Business History Bulletin 1988 Vol 2 № 1 68.
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См Музей электроники «Motorola» 71.
Архив «Motorola» Текущее делопроизводство 72.
For More Information on Building Business Archives Chicago, 199! 6p 73.
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Samuels H Appraising the Records of Modern Sciences and Technology // Janus 1995 №2 P 13
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